Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lost In The past :-)

A Life Changing Experience
When I found out I was moving to Delhi, it was beyond a nightmare, it was something I couldn't even imagine. Although I am South Indian with a manageable Hindi accent , It was more of a distant land, rather than a home to me. Bangalore was my true home; it was my birthplace and my life. Leaving Bangalore would be for the first time was like letting go of my entire six-year old world. The visions I had of Delhi were solely based upon a few summer visits filled with intense heat, Dominant people, pollution, chaos, and filth. Even though I knew this would be a complete change from my comfortable life in Bangalore, with my wonderful house, shopping malls, and all the junk food I could ever want. During my first six months in here, my expectations met almost exactly. I hated my new apartment, I missed my school and friends and I was sick of all the dirty market places that filled the streets of New Delhi. I remember coming home almost everyday and just crying from pure frustration. I was not used to this different lifestyle with servants, maids, and drivers. Although these things might seem like amenities, to me they were just chaotic . I wouldn't even let myself see the positive aspects of anything. After those six months were over I finally realized that I was going to be in there for only few more months .Then I realized that I had to stop dwelling in the past, and start making the most of my new life. It was then that I became thoroughly involved in my Work. I even found some people who were South Indians and they all understood exactly how I felt. They had moved from different places, and also some had been there longer than others, they all welcomed me with open hearts. It was amazing to be among such diverse people who had traveled all over the world, people who had such incredible experiences to share with me. My company was a very reputed one with Outsourcing from Germany and UK. I worked as Testing Engineer and Soon My coworkers and I not only became friends, but almost became like a family as well. We knew everything about each other, and although at times this could get quite annoying, it was always nice to know that I had such close group of friends. Now, when I look back at my time in Delhi, all I can think about is how fortunate I am to have had such a wonderful experience. My move to that part of India not only allowed me to see a completely different side but I was also able to establish unbreakable bonds with so many interesting and amazing people. Even now, after quite some years, I am still in contact with my closest friends from North. I cannot even imagine what I would be like without having lived in this part of India. I would have missed out on meeting so many extraordinary people, and I would be a completely different person today. The day which Went without Stress was that when I successfully demonstrated the New AI intelligence interface prototype me and my coworkers had designed.That day I was so proud and thanked myself for not chosing to Switch the Company just because I had to go to A unknown place.I was very thankful to all my friends who gave me Much that I could ever expect..
Delhi is the symbol of old India and new…
even the stones here whisper to our ears of the ages of long ago and the air we breathe is full of the dust and fragrances of the past, as also of the fresh and piercing winds of the present.
Great words By Jawaharlal Nehru
It best describes My own Experience in NewDelhi
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