Saturday, June 7, 2014

The last Lifechanging Seminar by Sandeep Maheshwari

“Success comes from experience and experience comes from Bad Experiences!”

The lessons learned from the Last life changing seminar by Sandeep Maheshwari are numerous but if I want to keep in my mind those few words forever to keep me going, those would be the ones that I am writing about in my blog.
We look at those people who have experienced failures and say that they may not have faced such bad experiences in life, as we had when we walk on the same path.
But the truth is that they have countered much more difficulties than us, probably that’s why they are more successful!
Because with each such ‘EXPERIENCE’ they always learn something new, which tells them, what ‘not’ to do next time;
From which they start understanding various aspects of life which are still to be explored.
It is not as if Successful people did not face any hurdles, they still do, but they have developed that ability that such problems does not matter anymore.
Sandeep Maheshwari , always say his punch line is“Aasaan Hai”(It is Easy)
And the most astonishing thing about successful people is ThEY NEVER QUIT .
If we face problems, we say that I cannot do this any further, this is not something for me, such attitude we come up with.
Then why did you start doing it in the first place?
Go ahead, take your chances, discover what life has to offer, discover what that ‘OPPORTUNITY’ Has to Do in Your Life.
And then if you feel, that may be this was not you Were supposed to do, then go ahead and start doing another such thing which you feel that it will give happiness and the satisfaction You Were looking for.
But being Consistent in your AIM is most important.
Because they have learned the most important law of life, that everything is ‘temporary’. Each phase will come and pass.
Nothing stays forever. Not even success And contrary to the beliefs we Impose on ourselves , success is not a point where you would reach, and say that you have become successful.
Being successful is a journey, not a destination.
If you had done something that gave you happiness yesterday, then you were successful yesterday, not today! If you are doing something that doesn’t give you happiness today, and with which you are ‘not satisfied’
Then you are not successful today. Same goes for failure.
It does not matter, if you have failed in doing something, Let it go.
That does not mean you are a failure even today.
In fact such failure gives you an insight of what success must be like, and what you can do to achieve it
As I have quoted before in the beginning itself which are the words of My Mentor and Inspiration Sandeep Maheshwari ,
success comes from experience and experience comes from bad experiences. . .
so celebrate each time you have a bad experience, because that has added to your ‘experience’ of life and which will pave the path for your success.
Like many other people, my life too changed, on watching this Last life changing seminar by Sandeep Maheshwari ,an inspiration to Follow.
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